(708) 754 -1300 | (708) 798 -7588 | orders@inkspotsonline.com

Pylon (Free Standing Sign)

Get your business to stand out! Pylon, or free standing, signs are mounted upon poles or a pylon frame outside of your business building and allows for your business to be noticed amongst others.

SKU: pyl-0 Category: Tag:


Pylon, or free standing, signs are mounted upon poles or a pylon frame outside of your business building. The height of this mounting allows for a better view of your brand’s information.

Get your business to stand out! This better viewing opportunity that comes with a pylon sign allows for your business to be seen amongst others and not get lost in the mix. Give your brand the exposure that it deserves and establish a proper identity at your location.

This product can be illuminated both internally and externally and can also be adorned with an LED message sign to add an extra level of messaging capabilities and noticeability!

We will work with you to create a product that well represents your business and abide by your town or city’s signage codes.

To speak with one of our Product Specialists, Contact Us @ 708.754.1300.