There is a lot that a business card is responsible for saying in very little space. You want to accurately represent your business, and tell its story, without losing the important information in the middle of it all. The purpose of your business card is to present yourself and your business by creating a professional image that will be hard for people to forget.
When thinking about what design to use for business card printing, it is generally a good idea to use common sense. Carefully select color, wording and textures that have the ability to accurately convey your company’s image. Make sure that your business cards are geared towards the correct audience, and accurately convey the right message. If your business is geared towards children’s toys and games, try using bright primary colors, and a font that resembles a child’s handwriting. Those who work in large financial corporations ultimately want to convey professionalism, which is why it is recommended to stick to traditional looks, such as black ink on either white, gray or beige backgrounds.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when designing your business cards:
- Incorporate your company logo.
- Be sure to make your logo the largest element on the card.
- Keep it simple. Don’t try to cram every little piece of information on your business card.
- Include the essentials: name, title, company name, address, phone number, email, and website.
- Make sure it is easily readable.
- Use only one or two colors.
Not only is it important to have great business cards that are simple and to the point, you are also going to want your cards to work for you. Here are few ideas of how to get the most out of your carefully designed business cards:
- Always hand out more than one card at a time (this makes it easy for those you are giving them to, to keep one for themselves and pass the rest to others).
- Include your card in all of your correspondence.
- Always have clean, neat cards with you that you can pass out.
Now that you know what constitutes a good business card, start designing yours! Look at all of the business cards that you have accumulated and start to design yours. Incorporate different elements that you like, until you achieve a design that accurately represents you and your business. Contact Ink Spots Printing & Media Design for your business card printing needs, and get business cards that work for you!